This folder contains: - Please copy all 4 files inside the .zip into same directory on your local hard drive. - What's New in Vx.x.pdf: shows the most important changes in last versions of Dream DSP Designer. - DreamDSPDesignerSoftwareGuide.pdf: software guide (can also be found in Dream DSP Designer under Help menu) - DreamDSPDesigner_MIDI_Messages.pdf: description of MIDI messages used by Dream DSP Designer for parameter control Please use SamVS setup V5.015 (and later versions) with this release of Dream DSP Designer. !!! Important !!! Old project .presets files generated with a previous version of Dream DSP Designer should be deleted prior to start to work with Dream DSP Designer V1.3, otherwise presets save & load can get corrupted. Global presets should only be generated on a final DSP design. In case you need to do modifications on the DSP design (add or remove processes etc.) you must store the project under another project name. ============ Known issues ============ 1) If the help file (DreamDSPDesignerHelp.chm) is not shown correctly it requires to ‘unlock’ the file: -> right-click on the file: –> properties –> then “Unlock” 2) Biquad update issue for the Crossover (Linkwitz-Riley /Bessel/Butterworth) filter types: - The curve on the biquad graph is not updated when selecting most Linkwitz-Riley /Bessel/Butterworth filters. However the filters are working well. - Some filters need 2 or 3 bands (see the filter type list). The included bands are not discarded from the control panel. - The Q value for these filters has not been updated in the viewer. 3) In case of using a Crossover filter type Dream DSP Designer always reserves 4 bands for it even maybe not needed. (e.g. for a 12dB/Oct it only requires 1 band, but still reserves 4 bands, if available in the Biquad process). Control of these reserved bands is not possible. We recommend to separate the Crossover filters in separate Biquad processes, and not to mix them with other types. 4) The Biqaud_UpdateCoeff function call done by pointer in BiquadCtrl: updateCoeffCallback->BIQUAD_UpdateCoeffFuncPtr( DSPid, PROCid, &iirCoeff, band ); will crash when the code size exceeds 64K and the Biqaud_UpdateCoeff function is located in a different code segment than BiquadCtrol code. (Known issue valid till V1.327)